Revista Feed & Food | Digital

Janeiro 2024 | 201

Revista Feed & Food Janeiro 2024 edição 201

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to this special issue of Feed&Food, dedicated to exploring Brazilian agribusiness, and particularly its commitment to sustainability. As you leaf through these pages, you will come across a portrait of a sector in constant evolution, focused not only on agricultural production, but also on respecting the environment and feeding millions around the globe.

This commitment is based on the strict enforcement of Brazilian environmental legislation, which is among the most streamlined and comprehensive in the world. The Brazilian Forestry Code establishes requirements such as Permanent Preservation Areas (APP) and Legal Reserve Areas, representing a significant extension dedicated to the protection of native vegetation. With 66.3% of Brazil’s territory earmarked for preservation, rural properties embrace around 30.2%, joining forces to harmonize production and conservation.

In addition, Brazil, favored by ideal climatic conditions, consistently invests in renewable energy sources and the optimization of facilities. These efforts result in a significant reduction of energy consumption, contributing to more efficient and sustainable production.

Another highlight is the strategy of buying grains close to the production centers, alongside growing corn as a second crop, which demonstrates Brazil’s commitment to minimizing the need for transport and, consequently, reducing CO2 emissions.

Worthy of note is the growing use and application of technology in the field, illustrating the efforts to produce meat with sustainability. ESG is already present on farms. 

The firm commitment of Brazilian producers to combating illegal deforestation, respecting the highest environmental and human rights standards, as well as following sanitary standards, is remarkable. Initiatives that preserve and reuse resources, increasing productivity and minimizing environmental impacts, are also increasingly seen in the hinterlands of the country.

Therefore, throughout this issue, we invite you, our reader, to explore the inspiring stories, technological advances and good practices that shape Brazilian agribusiness. We at Feed&Food, together with the productive sector, remain committed to contributing to a more sustainable world, in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

João Paulo Monteiro

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